Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 12: The Finale

Today marks my last day in N. Ireland. This morning we went to church at the church Carole's mom was raised in as well as got married in. The service was really good though a bit more traditional than my home church. After the service we met five Americans from the Minneapolis area who were here for a missions outreach in the Kilkeel area, where the church is. 

After lunch we all went down to a restaurant right by the Irish Sea harbor in Kilkeel. There were 30 of us total at the restaurant, all cousins, cousin's children & fiancées, and siblings and other relatives of Carole's. Actually, the restaurant was extremely warm, and I spent the latter part of the time outside the restaurant under an overhang so I could get fresh air without getting wet in the rain. Today was the first day it really rained. The joke is that we Americans brought the good weather and we're taking it home with us.

At one point while I was outside, some teenage boys set up a ramp about 3 inches from the wall's edge into the water and a kid biked down the drive, onto the ramp, and with a few choice expletives, splashed into the water. When you love in a small town like Kilkeel, you gotta find some way to entertain yourself.

When we left there were plenty of tears shed and hugs galore amongst all the relatives. I gave plenty of hugs myself though I didn't cry. I was close cause I am the world's biggest sympathy crier. Plus I cry at, like, everything. Toy Story 3, anyone? Up? Return of the King? (Yes, I cried during Return of the King. And I'm not ashamed.)

Then it was back to Aldra & Stephen's to pack up the bags and head back to Jim & Maureen's. At Jim & Maureen's, we all re-packed with everything. It took me forever to pack everything. Sheesh people. Making me bring you back stuff. I'm pretty sure my suitcase weighs all of the 70 pounds I was allowed. Yeech. 

But, overall, it was an amazing trip. I really enjoyed meeting everyone that I did here, and I'm ready to go home even though it'll be right back to work when I get home. I'm truly blessed to know such amazing people as the Hudys, and I'm so glad they invited me to come. If I have the chance, I'd definitely come back. 

So, g'night and g'bye N. Ireland, it's been nice knowing you, and I hope we meet again.

"The thrill of coming home has never changed." - Guy Pearce 

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