Monday, October 6, 2014

Concert Success

I first want to thank everyone who helped out with the Anthem Lights concert! The event was a smashing success. There were over 200 people in attendance, and we raised over $2,500 thanks to the support of the church and everyone who came. That money will mean freedom and security for girls who have been rescued from sex slavery in India.

But, some details for those of you who weren't able to attend! Cause, you know me and detailed descriptions. I could go on for hours, but I'll keep this (relatively) short so I don't bore you too quickly.

The day started with me not waking up to my alarm and running later than I had originally planned. Of course, the Anthem Lights members weren't supposed to be up at the church until 2 PM anyways, but I had some errands that needed running.

I got up to the church about 11:15 bringing some of the things the band would need: ironing board, mirror, etc etc etc. Lunch was already there when I arrived (courtesy of Mike Crellin: thanks Mike!). The Harrison guys arrived a bit later, and we got right to work to finish setting up the stage for the performance. We also made some time to throw a football around too, cause you know, that's what we do.

I got an e-mail from Caleb (Anthem Lights member & their road manager) telling me that they were running late. Details, details, details. About 2:30 their van and trailer pulled up in the parking lot. Don Harrison and I were standing by the front doors watching when Don said, "Maybe we should stand back so it doesn't look like we're, like, anxiously waiting for them to arrive! Like, 'THEY'RE HERE!'" So we did. Only to walk out a minute later to greet the band and two of the band member's wives.

The guys ate lunch, hung around, shook off all the weariness of sitting in a van for ten hours (they came from Nashville), and then got to work setting up their merch table and getting ready for soundcheck.

Soundcheck was somewhat nerve wracking because some of the cables we needed were either not working or weren't long enough or some other such difficult situation. It all worked out in the end thanks to the Anthem Lights guys' and Don Harrison's knowledge of cables and soundboards, things I know absolutely nothing about.

While Anthem Lights finished their soundcheck, the two opening youth groups (the KCF Ground Zero worship team, and a worship team from Leroy Community Chapel) ate dinner and prepared for their own soundchecks.

But enough of boring, mundane details. At about 4:45 PM, people started coming in, obviously excited for our VIP event. VIP attenders got to meet the band before the show and pretty much just hang out, buy merch, etc. The VIP event was really great. It was fun for me, walking around talking with some of the attendees, listening to how far some of them had come just for the show. The record distance was a mom and her two daughters who flew in from Minneapolis, Minnesota! Craziness! We also had people come in from Canada, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and all over Ohio.

All in all, the entire event was completely amazing despite some of the earlier technical difficulties. The guys were really great about everything, and I think it's in popular opinion that we should have them back again one day. Next year's Christmas concert, maybe? :)

I had tons of fun planning this event. It was a great experience and opportunity, and it was also really great getting to work with a band that I admire so much.

Anthem Lights:
Anthem Lights Facebook
Anthem Lights Instagram
Anthem Lights Twitter
    Personal Twitter accounts: @alanpowell10 @ChadMGraham @josephstamper @calebgrimm

L to R: Joey Stamper, Alan Powell, me, Chad Graham, and Caleb Grimm.

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