Monday, October 6, 2014

Concert Success

I first want to thank everyone who helped out with the Anthem Lights concert! The event was a smashing success. There were over 200 people in attendance, and we raised over $2,500 thanks to the support of the church and everyone who came. That money will mean freedom and security for girls who have been rescued from sex slavery in India.

But, some details for those of you who weren't able to attend! Cause, you know me and detailed descriptions. I could go on for hours, but I'll keep this (relatively) short so I don't bore you too quickly.

The day started with me not waking up to my alarm and running later than I had originally planned. Of course, the Anthem Lights members weren't supposed to be up at the church until 2 PM anyways, but I had some errands that needed running.

I got up to the church about 11:15 bringing some of the things the band would need: ironing board, mirror, etc etc etc. Lunch was already there when I arrived (courtesy of Mike Crellin: thanks Mike!). The Harrison guys arrived a bit later, and we got right to work to finish setting up the stage for the performance. We also made some time to throw a football around too, cause you know, that's what we do.